Tuesday, 25 October 2022

Unit 1 - Past Simple

Hello, hello!
As you know, we're reviewing the Past Simple form of regular and irregular verbs. In this entry I'll include many games for you to review the most frequent verbs in English.

Past Simple Verbs Practice. B1 Level

Here you have the rules to form the past simple of the regular verbs:

Regular Past Tense Verbs' Rules
Now, we'll follow some of the top tips to learn irregular verbs in English by FluentU:

Tip 1- Group common irregular verbs together

Irregular verbs don’t follow any rules, which is what makes them so hard to remember. But some irregular verbs follow a similar pattern.

Tip 2. Memorize the 10 most common irregular verbs first

Tip 3. Turn memorizing into a game

We're very lucky to have all these resources online so we can learn by playing online games. Here you have some games to practice irregular verbs.

Tip 4. Learn with videos

There are many videos you can use to learn more about the uses of the past simple and its correct forms. Here you have some videos to find the past simple tense:

I know we're gonna do great! We just need to start practicing!
Bye, bye, butterflies! ðŸ¦‹


  1. Wonderful ideas as always!!!
    Have a look at my post about Irregular verbs:
    See you!!!

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